Shipley Center for Innovation

About the Shipley Center
The Shipley Center was established through the generosity of Charles R. HD'84 and Lucia Shipley to promote student learning and development in leadership, teamwork and entrepreneurship. Since its inception, the center has served as a valuable community resource, fostering relationships between local businesses and nonprofits and assisting in the development of new ideas.
The Shipley Center continues to play an important role in startup culture across northern New York. Today, it serves as a primary hub for economic development, capitalizing on emerging technologies developed at Clarkson and throughout the region to create cutting-edge ventures for future solutions nationwide.
Clarkson Launches Program to Support Entrepreneurs in Upstate NY
The Shipley Center for Innovation has launched the Upstate Founders program, a massive support network for 400 entrepreneurs across Upstate New York. Participants will be connected to new educational resources, partner organizations and other entrepreneurs.
Department Staff
Jamey Hoose
Director of Shipley / Associate Director of Research & Technology
Office: 315/268-6690